blogFebruary 8, 2024by Mukesh Salaria0

How to Migrate old .net app to .net core?

Are you still running your application on the old and trusty .NET framework? It might be time to consider migrating to the more modern and versatile .NET Core. This transition can bring numerous benefits, including improved performance, cross-platform support, and access to the latest features. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of migrating your old .NET app to .NET Core in a seamless manner.


Why Migrate to .NET Core?

Before diving into the migration process, let’s quickly highlight the key advantages of migrating to .NET Core:

  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: .NET Core allows you to run your applications on Windows, Linux, and macOS.
  • Performance Enhancement: .NET Core is known for its improved performance and reduced memory footprint, leading to faster and more efficient applications.
  • Containerization Support: Embrace containerization technologies like Docker to simplify deployment and scalability.
  • Enhanced Language Features: .NET Core comes with the latest language features and runtime improvements, ensuring that your application stays up-to-date with the latest advancements.


Now, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of the migration process.


Assess Your Current Application

The first step is to assess your existing .NET application. Identify the version of the .NET framework it’s built on, as well as any third-party dependencies. This assessment will help you understand the scope and potential challenges of the migration.


Question 1: What version of the .NET framework is your current application using?

Take stock of your current environment to ensure a smooth migration process.


Set Up a .NET Core Project

Create a new .NET Core project that will serve as the target for your migration. Use the dotnet new command to initialize a new project and configure its settings accordingly.

dotnet new <project-type> -n <project-name>

Question 2: What type of .NET Core project suits your application best?

Choose the appropriate project type based on your application’s requirements, such as console, web, or class library.


Refactor Code and Dependencies

Now comes the crucial part – refactoring your existing code to make it compatible with .NET Core. This involves updating obsolete APIs, resolving dependencies, and ensuring that your code adheres to the latest language standards.


Question 3: Are there any third-party dependencies that need updating or replacing?

Check for updates to your dependencies and make the necessary adjustments to ensure compatibility with .NET Core.


Test Thoroughly

Before celebrating the successful migration, conduct thorough testing to ensure that your application functions as expected on .NET Core. Pay special attention to edge cases and potential breaking points.


Question 4: Have you conducted comprehensive testing on the migrated application?

Testing is crucial to catch any unforeseen issues and ensure a smooth user experience post-migration.


Update Build and Deployment Processes

Adjust your build and deployment processes to accommodate the changes introduced by .NET Core. Update build scripts, CI/CD pipelines, and any automation tools used in your development workflow.


Question 5: Have you updated your build and deployment processes to support .NET Core?

Ensuring a seamless transition from development to deployment is essential for a successful migration.



Migrating your old .NET app to .NET Core might seem like a daunting task, but the benefits it brings in terms of performance, cross-platform compatibility, and modern features make it a worthwhile endeavor. By following the steps outlined in this guide and addressing the key questions along the way, you can successfully modernize your application and unlock the full potential of .NET Core.

If you need expert assistance in your migration journey, consider reaching out to LP Infotech. Our team of expert dot net developers in India can provide tailored solutions to make your transition smooth and efficient.

Remember, each migration is unique, and your approach may vary based on the complexity of your application. Stay informed, stay adaptable, and enjoy the enhanced capabilities that come with embracing .NET Core!


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